6 Strategies to Engage Your Community and Raise More!

Successful fundraising campaigns are essential for schools, sports clubs, and other organizations. And getting your fundraiser noticed is essential to fundraising success.

Schools rely on fundraising to help bridge the gap between their wants and government funding to provide learning tools and opportunities to their students.

Sports teams fundraise to keep programming affordable, travel for tournaments, acquire new equipment or apparel, pay for facilities, and more.

No matter why you’re in need of fundraising dollars, using this strategy to promote your fundraiser will help you get noticed by as many people as possible, allowing you to raise more money.

More People = More Sales = Higher Chance of Reaching Your Fundraising Goals! 


1. Email is still your best friend!

You likely already use email to engage with your organization. Whether it’s using TeamSnap to keep track of upcoming practices and games or an email list for your classroom to keep parents informed – start with the people you already know are interested in taking part.

Send participants email updates to keep them motivated throughout the fundraiser.

You can also craft an email that is intended to be forwarded to their own friends and family with a link to your fundraising page.

This can also be a great way to practice asking for a sale.

Pro Tip: Do not only send this information with your newsletter. Sometimes the information can get buried, so be sure to send a compelling email to ask for support more directly as well.


2. Post Your Fundraiser on Social Media

Does your group already have a social media account?

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • X (Twitter)
  • LinkedIn

Make posts about your fundraiser! Here are some tips when it comes to posting on social media:

  • Share your fundraising link in your bio – many social media platforms allow you to add a link to your bio like Instagram or Facebook.
  • Post about your fundraiser 1-2x a week on your main feed to let people know about your fundraiser and encourage them to participate
  • Instagram Stories only last 24 hours, so be creative and add a new story every day or as often as you can to get the results you want.
  • Change up your messaging to see if that helps more people get on board. 

Telling your story is a powerful skill that can help you craft effective fundraising messages. 

Pro Tip: Share and post often (more often than you think). Our most successful groups send 3 emails during the duration of the fundraiser, AND they use social media 3-5 times!


3. Join Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are a great way to connect with your local community and get the word out about your school, local dance studio, hockey team or any type of group: people in your community care!

The people part of these groups are often future or past members, care about their community, and are likely to be connected or want to support your initiatives. Don’t be shy!

You can create your own Facebook Group to start growing a community or search for local groups that are relevant to you or in your area. Always be sure to check the rules of the group, and then promote a few times during your fundraiser.


4. Use Your School or Team Website

Write up a post for your school website, sports club website, or TeamSnap. You can write up something unique or re-share your email or social media content.

Use TeamFund often? Add our logo to your site with a link to your fundraising store.

Pro Tip: Share information to ALL places where your parents or sellers are already regularly checking for updates on your group. 


5. Encourage Others to Amplify Your Message

Promoting your fundraiser should be a team effort; the responsibility shouldn’t fall on you alone!

Be sure to let members of your organization know how they can help you out. Ask them to share the information with their audience, family, or friends as well:

  • Email them directly and let them know how they can help
  • Share a draft of a social media post so they know exactly what to share – TeamFund provides templates in your organizer dashboard, or you can use a free design tool like Canva.
  • Encourage them to forward your emails to broaden your reach in people’s inboxes.

The more people you reach, the better chance you have at hitting your fundraising goal!

Having trouble getting people excited to help? Read about motivating a team during fundraising. 


6. Print Posters or Try Paper Methods


If you have a physical space where you can hang up a poster, consider using this more traditional method! 

Many schools or sports arenas have announcement boards, and you may be able to use that space to pique interest or remind people of your fundraiser. 

Consider sending a letter home with students or emailing parents to let them know about the upcoming fundraiser and request their support.


7. BONUS TIP: Timing is Everything.

Promote your event early to give people adequate time to prepare and tell others about your campaign.

You can promote your fundraiser:

  • Before to get people interested, as well as build anticipation and excitement
  • During to get people involved, participating, and purchasing.
  • After to say thank you for their support. Consider asking new supporters if you can reach out to them in the future and add them to your email list!

Not everyone will read your email right away; most people scroll social media in the evening.

So don’t be afraid to switch up your timing! Send emails during the week and social media at various times. Send at 7 pm and at 7 am. Afternoons typically aren’t as effective*

Pro Tip: Timing depends on your audience! Be sure to consider when they are most likely to be online and checking their emails or social media. Parents probably aren’t looking at their email when they’re about to pick up their kid from school.

By using as many of these methods as possible, your group will have the best chance to reach your fundraising goals! 

Learning how to promote a fundraiser is a skill that can provide you with wonderful connections and opportunities for the future. Don’t forget to ask for help if you’re feeling overwhelmed! 

At TeamFund, we provide social media, posters, and email templates to help you promote your fundraiser with ease. 

Sell delicious grocery staples online for 3 weeks and receive 20% (or more) back for your group at the same time – it’s a win-win! 

>> How TeamFund Works

Fundraise for any season and any reason with TeamFund Fundraising! 

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